Join the PTA - Support your Child, School & Community!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We invite you to become a member of Montair’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA). As a member, you can help support the PTA programs, which benefit ALL Montair students. Most of your membership fee stays right here at Montair, while a small portion helps support the activities of local, state and national PTA branches working to improve children’s lives and their education.
All memberships come with free access to our online student directory as well as discounts at local and national attractions and businesses, available only to PTA members.
Every membership counts! When you join the Montair PTA, you also join the California State and National PTA and become part of a national effort to improve the education, health, and welfare of every child. Membership numbers count in a significant way when our representatives are lobbying for funding for education in the California legislature or in Congress.
Have a voice in deciding the direction of our school! Only members can vote on PTA issues (i.e. events, programs, use of resources/funds) and hold a PTA office. PTA membership helps you connect with the school and other parents.
You are not obligated to volunteer or attend PTA meetings if you join the PTA.
Here at Montair, we have a very involved PTA working to provide a variety of programs for all students:
- The Montair PTA sponsors community building social events such as the Back to School Social, Family Movie Night, Carnival, Holiday Workshop, Service Projects and our Spring Art Show.
- The Montair PTA provides student scholarships, teacher grants, playground equipment, and Health and Wellness programs including our very popular Run Club.
- The Montair PTA’s fundraising events provide educational opportunities such as the Art Docent program, Red Ribbon Days, incentive programs such as the Reflections Art Program, Parent Education Speakers, Diversity and Inclusion Club and our Sister School Program that are fully or partially funded by YOUR PTA.
- The PTA publishes the Montair Minute Newsletter, Montair Directory and Montair School Yearbook and contributes to the Montair School Website. PTA also keeps our community informed through our social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, etc) and our new wonderful digital marquee.
- The PTA provides information on and organizes legislative activities that will affect your children and their education.
Please join the PTA and help keep all of these opportunities at Montair! Together we can make a difference in our children’s education experience!
Thank you for supporting your child, school and community!
Yes, my household would like to support PTA as Family Memberships with a discount for $30. Includes PTA membership and all of the membership benefits associated with joining PTA including access to the Online Student Directory!